Saturday, May 15, 2010

Birth of a blog

I have considered myself to be many things, among them a çılgın kız - crazy girl - as many of my turkish friends call me, well, girl is a little bit of a euphemism. However, I never thought I'd see the day that I would become a blogger.

I know I can talk up a storm but writing was something I left to my husband and more recently my daughter. But after writing an account of a holiday in Turkey I have been encouraged to create a blog and so never one to refuse a challenge this is it.


  1. I'm with Stu on the question...super curious now....And would you say you are most inspired when you write about your travels?

  2. Hi Stuart and Joy. Ç in turkish has a ch sound and the undotted ı is like the i in dirt or the vowel sound in fuss or plus. So çılgın kız sounds like chuhlguhn kuhz.

    Joy definitely İ find it easier to write about my travels. İ am not a natural writer, but İ love to have a laugh and often at myself. İ find the Turkish sense of humour similiar to the Irish but in many ways İ break all their notions of how things should be. Hubbie doesn't speak any Turkish so İ do all the talking. İ often travel alone, again not the done thing. This leads to some interesting situations and hence some good tales to tell. When İ'm at home, life tends to be a lot quieter. For obvious reasons İ rarely blog about school.

  3. I'm with you on writing about travels. At one stage that was the only way I could write - when I travelled.

  4. So now I know what Cilgin Kiz means. I'd been wondering. So glad you were encouraged, or took up the challenge, to write about your travels.

  5. OH! I was always curious about what "cilgin kiz" meant. =) Now, I'll get around to spelling it correctly. =) So glad you started writing, Mary! Thanks so much for sharing this! =)

  6. Hi Mary -

    I'm glad you visited Turkey and very glad you started blogging. I'm also glad to know you. :)


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