When I awoke at eight the following morning, I decided to slip into the kitchen and make myself a mug of coffee and go back to bed for an hour. As I got up, I noticed the sky. I had forgotten what winter sunrises were like here. The house faces east. I love the sea and know I cannot live far from it but there is something about seeing the sunrise over rolling hills and the trees silhouetted in the foreground.
Not wanting to get dressed, I donned my boots, I had been warned to wear them anyway. Luna is not yet house trained and walking the kitchen floow in bare feet is not to be recommended. I pulled my coat on over my nightie and regardless of the bare legs went out to capture the dawn.

Luckily there were not too many neighbours passing or they have might have been tempted to send for the men in white coats. The dressed in coat and boots and bare legs climbing on the ditch to get the best shot above the hedge was enough to raise a few eyebrows. Cilgin Kiz indeed.
Happy that I had my "photo of the day," or even more than one, I wasn't going to have to bother my "wrinklies" by asking them to pose. As it turns out, G was still not well enough to join us. Therefore the remainder of the gang headed for Mary Barry's Pub where an enjoyable lunch was had by all. Mary Barry's is too far away for G. On the days she joins us we eat in the local golf club.
The weather had disimproved rapidly. The beautiful sunrise had turned into a wet grey day. However some days just never stop giving and this Tuesday was one such day. As we walked back to the car, I noticed the sun setting behind the church. I settled my ladies into the car and they watched in astonishment as I began to walk to the road. When my cousin figured out what I was up to, she also jumped out of the car to catch the same photograph. I now had the perfect pair. Sunrise, sunset!